15th European DDI Users Conference: Call for Papers

The call for papers for the 15th European DDI Users Conference (EDDI 2023) is now open.

The 15th Annual European DDI User Conference (EDDI 2023) is being hosted by the Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP), and will be held as an in person event in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Online participation will also be available for those unable to travel.

The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is an international standard for describing the data produced by surveys and other observational methods in the social, behavioral, economic, and health sciences. The meeting will bring together DDI users and professionals from all over Europe and the world. Anyone interested in developing, applying, or using DDI is invited to attend and present.

The Conference timetable is:

Tutorials and Workshops: Monday 27 November 2023
Conference: Tuesday 28 November – Wednesday 29 November 2023
Side Meetings: Thursday 30 November – Friday 1 December 2023

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, the EDDI 2023 Conference website is at https://bit.ly/eddi2023

The deadline for submissions is September 4 2023, 23:59 CEST.

For questions or any other correspondence regarding the Call for Papers of EDDI 2023, please send an email to eddi23-prog@googlegroups.com

Jon Johnson & Mari Kleemola
Co-chairs EDDI 2023