The Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework (CDIF): Practical Guidelines for FAIR Interoperability, Webinar, 25 July, 2024

Several organizers of and participants in the below CDIF project are active in the DDI community.  They think the CDIF is very relevant for any data repository or service wanting to present cross-domain data products to its users.  They are very keen to discuss this with the DDI membership and to get feedback....

The Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework (CDIF) is a major output from the WorldFAIR project, and has been published as an initial draft with the completion of project deliverables. CDIF is a set of implementation recommendations, based on profiles of common, domain-neutral metadata standards which are aligned to work together to support core functions required by FAIR. CDIF will continue to be developed and maintained, based on feedback from implementers and the broader FAIR community.

This webinar will: 

  1. present the core CDIF profiles and discuss future directions;
  2. invite feedback and provide details on how this can be done;
  3. discuss plans to expand the CDIF initiative and broaden the participating community. 

The webinar will take place on Thu 25 July at 15:00-16:30 CEST / 13:00-14:30 UTC

Register at: 

This webinar is intended to introduce the current recommendations, and describe future directions. The initial CDIF draft covers the following core set of functions necessary to support FAIR exchanges across domain and infrastructure boundaries:

  • Discovery (search, cataloguing, etc.)
  • Access (programmatic location of access conditions and terms of use) 
  • Publication of controlled vocabularies (codelists, classifications, and concepts used in data definition)
  • Integration-ready description of data (granular, variable-level metadata)

Additionally, guidance is provided on some ‘universal’ areas which are critical to data integration: time, geography, and units of measure.

Much work remains to be done, and some discussion is provided in the draft of other topics which will serve as the focus of future work: mappings between data sets, provenance and data contextualization, expanded description of data sets and the integration process, and AI readiness. Other relevant topics may emerge.

CDIF is intended to be maintained as the needs of the community develop, and as the technology and standards picture changes. In order to sustain the development of the recommendations, it is important to have an active dialogue with implementers and the FAIR community broadly. To this end, we will introduce channels for providing reactions and feedback, for both implementers and business-level users to help drive the future directions of the CDIF development. Opportunities for active engagement with the CDIF development community will also be described. 

  1. Announce release of the draft and indication of future directions
  2. Collecting feedback and reviews (GitHub, website)
  3. Expansion of the CDIF initiative and broadening the community in future