Seeking DDI Alliance funding requests for the upcoming fiscal year (July 2021-June 2022)

Dear DDI community,

Each year, the DDI Executive Board considers funding requests to support Alliance activities.  Any member may submit a funding request for the Executive Board to consider.  If you have a funding request for the upcoming fiscal year (FY2022, July 2021 through June 2022), please email the request to by May 24th, 2021.  

Requests should explain the purpose of the request, how it aligns with the Alliance's strategic goals, and include an itemized budget for the funding request.  If requests are related to scientific or technical activities, the DDI Scientific Board will evaluate the request from the perspective of the Alliance Scientific Plan and provide feedback to the Executive Board.  Incoming budget requests related to scientific or technical activities will be prioritized according to their level of importance, and a reasoning with pros and cons for each evaluation will be made available, for the purpose of clarity and transparency.  Full details about annual budget funding requests are here:  

The Alliance's membership dues are used to fund these requests.  The budget for the current 2021 fiscal year was finalized in June 2020 and is described in the Executive Board minutes:  The FY2020 financial report is part of the 2020 Annual Meeting materials (see page 48):

Feel free to contact me with questions.

Jared Lyle
Executive Director, DDI Alliance