DDI Annual Meetings

Dear DDI community,
We invite you to attend our virtual annual meetings this June, including: 
DDI Alliance Annual Meeting of the Scientific Community
June 15, 2021 (Tuesday) 13:00-15:00 UTC
The Meeting of the Scientific Community will discuss DDI technical and scientific developments, including a Scientific Work Plan for the coming year.  The recently reorganized Scientific Board will convene the annual meeting.
Agenda: http://bit.ly/DDI-SC-Annual-2021 

Join Zoom Meeting: https://umich.zoom.us/j/94437207068
Meeting ID: 944 3720 7068
Find your local number: https://umich.zoom.us/u/abon9oB5kV

DDI Alliance Annual Meeting of Members
June 22, 2021 (Tuesday) 13:00-15:00 UTC
The Meeting of Members is a forum for Member Organization discussion and feedback, as well as strategic and financial planning for the upcoming year.  The annual Meeting of Members is chaired by the Chair of the DDI Executive Board.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://umich.zoom.us/j/98025859815
Meeting ID: 980 2585 9815
Find your local number: https://umich.zoom.us/u/adYadTCRE4
Summary reports for each of the discussion items will be linked to the agendas before the respective meetings.  Past annual meeting materials are available on the DDI web site: https://ddialliance.org/annual-meetings.  Looking forward to seeing many of you (virtually) in June!  

Jared Lyle
Executive Director, DDI Alliance
ICPSR, University of Michigan