Organization Name: 
Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London
Organization Type: 
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DDI Versions Used: 

The CLOSER (Cohort and Longitudinal Studies Enhancement Resources) programme aims to maximise the use, value and impact of the member UK longitudinal studies. A key part of the CLOSER project is the creation of a Uniform Search Platform allowing users to search the metadata from all of the projects included to find key variables for their research. The metadata will be substantially enhanced and made available in DDI-Lifecycle format. It will be harmonised both across the sweeps within the studies and across the studies, allowing people to find equivalent information. This rich resource will then be available to all researchers, backed by a programme of training and capacity building and a number of sample cross-cohort projects. CLOSER is planning for users throughout their educational journey, as well as policy makers and other users who are not as well served by current provision.